Monday, December 2, 2013

Cheap & Easy Home/Travel Exercise Equipment

Don't have time to make it to the gym?  Don't want to spends hundreds or thousands of dollars on home exercise equipment? On the road travelling?  Then check this out.

A Dining Room Chair
Not just for sitting on, a chair is a very versatile piece of exercise equipment.  Use it for Triceps Dips, or do squats with your back facing the chair and the top of one foot bent back and resting on the seat. One requirement for this piece of gear: It must be secure—no rocking chairs allowed.

Cans of Soup or Sauce
Think dumbels--it's essentially the same thing.  Try some of the following exercises: 
 Front Shoulder Raises: Hold one can in each palm and face your palms down. Raise straight arms up to shoulder height in front of you, then lower down. Do 8 to 12 reps per set as part of a bodyweight circuit workout in your living room.
Side Raises:  Hold one can in each palm a face your pals downs.  Hang your arms along the side of your body, raise your arms sideways until they are level with your shoulders, then slowly lower down.  Do 8 to 12 reps per set as part of a bodyweight circuit.
Also, you can hold soup cans to add some weight while doing squats, and lunges.

Dont' be THAT girl--you know the one, the most annoying woman at the gym.

I enjoy exercising and working out, but one thing that I do not like about going to the gym, is that annoying girl that is there to put on a show, to be seen; not at the gym to exercise.  How about the one that thinks it is her private gym, and that all the equipment is hers?  Or the one that is obvious to anyone else around her, and talks on her phone non-stop.....So here is my list of annoying people at the gym....

1. Miss Flirt:   Always looking for attention from the opposite sex--this is a gym, not a night club.

2.  Little Miss Awesome:  "Hey everybody, look at me.  Look at what I can do!"  yeah, great, thanks for sharing.

3. MINE!  This is mine, go get your own.  Reminds me of a seagull....or a 2-year old.

4.  Talking o the phone.  Really?  We don't need to hear your conversation.

5.  The Stinky One.  Do you smell that?  Because the rest of us sure do.  It's called laundry detergent & soap.  Use it!

6. Perfume--speaking of stinky.  Gasp, can't breath because of the perfume....

7.  Wipe down your equipment...Unless you have your personal assistant following along behind you, wipe down the equipment when you are finished with it!

8.  The "Expert".  No, I did not ask for you advice, nor do I value your opinion on how you think I should be exercising.   Thanks.

How about you?  What behaviours and people do you find annoying at the gym?

To subscribe to our mailing list on ways to Get Fit and Save Money, click here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Have you ever heard the saying, "Small things make a big difference"? When it comes to your diet, setting small, realistic goals is the key to making changes that last a lifetime. Try meeting these tiny nutrition targets throughout the year and see. Once you get one down, move on to the next one that makes sense for you.

1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid each day, making at least five of them water.

Staying well hydrated isn't automatic. Since our thirst mechanisms don't kick in until we're already mildly dehydrated, you need to have a fluid plan, just like you have a food plan.

2. Eat breakfast.

It's not just cereal industry hype; breakfast really is our most important meal of the day. Not only does it restart your metabolic engines after the night's shutdown, but it also gives you the necessary nutrients to get your mind and body working at peak capacity.

3. Strive for five—servings of fruits and vegetables, that is.

The nutrients, phytochemicals, and fibers in fruits and vegetables are directly linked to your health. The more you eat, the lower your risks for cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.

4. Eat at least three servings of fish every week.

Fish, especially the fatty varieties like salmon, mackerel, halibut, black cod, rainbow trout, and shellfish, are plentiful in Omega-3 fatty acids. These special fats have a protective effect on blood cholesterol levels and help prevent blood clotting, a cause of strokes. Fish is a fabulous source of protein, too.

5. Swap high-fat desserts for lower-fat versions.

When it comes to those high-fat sweets that you like to treat yourself to on a daily basis, try the lower-fat versions. By switching from a 1/2-cup serving of Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream (17 g fat, 260 kcals) to Haagen-Dazs raspberry sorbet (0 g fat and 100 kcals) on a daily basis, you'll save 17 g of fat and 160 calories a day. That's 1,120 calories a week, 4,800 calories in a 30-day month, 58,400 calories in a year ... or the equivalent of almost 17 pounds!

6. Eat at least three vegetarian meals every week that include plant sources of protein.

Beans, grains, and especially soy products are full of healthful food factors and phytochemicals that you'll never get in your diet without planning to eat them. You'll be increasing your fiber and decreasing your fat at the same time. So relax with a good cookbook, or browse the soy-product cooler case at the supermarket, and add some new meals to your weekly lineup.

7. A yogurt a day may keep intestinal problems away.

The bacteria primarily responsible for cultured yogurt is incredibly helpful to your digestive tract. Lactobacillus acidophilus will help fend off harmful bacteria such as those that cause food poisoning and intestinal flu. It reduces the risk of developing vaginal yeast infections, and it helps avoid the diarrhea that often occurs as a side effect of antibiotic therapy.

8. Incorporate a few tablespoons of nuts and seeds back into your diet.

Yes, peanut butter is back! And if you can keep it to a couple of tablespoons, you can even eat it out of the jar (as long as you label it yours). Nut butters, nuts, and seeds are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and the important antioxidant vitamin E. Adding back these long-lost treats will be great for the body as well as the taste buds.

9. Relax with a glass of red wine every day.
Studies from the University of California at Davis and Cornell University have suggested that an antioxidant contained in wine, known as resveratrol, is the ingredient that helps protect us against cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Pinot Noir is thought to contain twice as much resveratrol as Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, or Merlot.

10. Enjoy your food. Eating is a sensuous experience.

Stopping to enjoy your food is necessary to experience the feeling of satisfaction after a meal. That is why eating on the run always leaves you wanting more. Especially if you are on a weight-loss diet, take the time to enjoy your food. You'll soon find that less is more.

Monday, October 21, 2013

15-Minute Anywhere Workout


If you are like many women with careers, children, families, etc., you probably find that you just do not have the time to exercise like you used to.  Any if you have to travel--maybe for work--it can add an extra struggle to get sweating.

Well then check out this 15-minute workout that you can do just about anywhere--in the park, in your living room, in a hotel room--anywhere.

You won't need to go to some new expensive trendy fitness class.  You will be able to work out any time, any place, with this total-body exercise plan, and the only equipment you will need is a simple towel.

The key to seeing continued success is to keep challenging your body in different ways--new moves, new environment, or new exercises.  Using a towel is a low-cost, simple, and efficient way to work out.

The towel provides wither tension or friction and helps to engages muscles that you would otherwise not use.

Complete the exercises below, moving from one exercise to the next with little or no rest in between.  After completing all the exercise, wait 30 - 60 seconds, and then repeat.  Aim for 2 or three sets in total.

1.  Leg Curl
Leg Curl
Lie faceup on the floor, knees bent and both heels on a towel; lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders (a). Slide your heels away from you as far as you can without dropping your hips (b). Pause, then return to start. That's one rep. Do 15.

2.  Seated Oblique Twist

Seated Oblique TwistSit on the floor and hold the towel taut between your hands, arms straight and extended at shoulder height; lean back and raise your feet about a foot off the floor, keeping your core tight and knees bent (a). Pull the right end of the towel toward the floor, rotating your shoulders and torso (b). Pause, then rotate back to center and repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Do 20.

3.  Lateral Lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and your right foot on a towel (a). Bend your left knee and push your hips back as you slide your right foot out to the side as far as you can (b). Pause, then pull that foot back to start. That's one rep. Do 15, then switch sides and repeat.
Lateral Lunge

4.  Superman Press
Superman Press
Lie facedown on the floor, chest lifted, and hold a towel taut between your hands in front of your shoulders, elbows bent (a). Press the towel away from you until your arms are straight (b). Return to start. That's one rep. Do 20.

And be sure to check out these great nutritional products.
Protein Shakes, Meal-Replacement Shakes, Herbal Energy Drinks, Multi-Vitamins, Omegas.  Everything you need to supplement your meal plan and help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Run a 10K and Feed 10 People

Food and eating is a rather dichotomous issue in North America.  On one hand, we have the largest percentage of the population in history that is overweight or obese.  We also have the largest percentage of the population in history that is going hungry.  By these stats, you are more likely to either be going hungry, or overweight, then be healthy.

Currently there are about 50 million Americans going hungry.  Imagine, that many people is this land of wealth that do not know where they will get their next meal.  The reality is there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone, for everyone to get the nourishment they need in order to live a healthy and productive life.  NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) such as Oxfam have been working on food security issues abroad for decades, and have cited research showing how food is destroyed around the world to manipulate prices.

So, what can you do?  You are probably doing a lot to ensure you are meeting your health and nutrition goals.  But how can you help others?  

Run. Influence. Change The WorldSomething we can do together is run.  This simple activity, when done with a group of our friends, can be a quick, simple, short-term solution.

This fall, Women's Health will once again host a 10K run that will provide 10 meals for people going hungry in communities around the continent.  Runs will take place in NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and other communities throughout North America.

Check it out here.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Best Exercise for Your Butt


Try this 20-Minute Glute Workout to help you build The Best Butt You Can

Want to sculp your butt?  Then do these moves for 20 minutes, just twice a week.  Complete the recommended set and reps, using a weight at which you can barely complete the last rep of your final set still with perfect form.

MOVE 1Grand Plié Elvis Squat
Grand Plié Elvis Squat
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, hips, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves

Grab a 15- to 20-pound body bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Rest the bar across your shoulder blades and position your legs wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes turned out. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor(A). Rotate your entire body 90 degrees to the left (B). Return to center, stand, and squat again, this time rotating to the right. That's one rep. Do two sets of 12 to 15, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

MOVE 2Front Lunge Push-Off
Front Lunge Push-Off
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves

Grab a pair of 10- to 15-pound dumbbells and stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Leading first with your left foot, lunge forward and lower your hips until both knees form 90-degree angles (A). With your right leg, pull yourself back to standing as you raise your left leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor (B).Balance on your right leg for one second, then return to start. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

Trainer tip: Contract your glutes and look straight ahead to maintain your balance.
MOVE 3Lateral Reverse Lunge-Reach Combo
Lateral Reverse Lunge-Reach Combo
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works hips, glutes, hamstrings, and quads 

Grab a pair of 10- to 15-pound dumbbells and stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Keeping your right leg straight and your toes facing forward, lunge to the left and lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Bend at the hips and lower the dumbbells so they're on either side of your left calf (A).Return to center. Next, perform a reverse lunge, stepping back with your left leg. Bend at the hips and lower the dumbbells so they're on either side of your right calf(B). Return to start. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat, lunging with your right leg. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

MOVE 4Sumo Squat and Leg Raise
Sumo Squat and Leg Raise
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, hips, glutes, hamstrings, and quads 

Grab a 15- to 20-pound body bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Stand two feet to the right of a 12-inch-high step or bench. Position the bar across your shoulder blades. Step onto the bench with your left foot, then squat until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor (A). Stand up, straightening your left leg as you lift your right leg straight out to the side (B). Balance on your left leg for one second, then return to start. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

MOVE 5Curtsy Squat Rear Leg Lift
Curtsy Squat Rear Leg Lift
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, hips, glutes, hamstrings, and quads 

Grab a pair of 12- to 15-pound dumbbells and stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Cross your right leg behind your left, slightly left of your left heel, and rest your toe on the floor about two feet behind you (A). Keeping your right heel up, squat down as far as you can without letting your left knee extend past your toes(B). Straighten your left leg and raise your right leg as high as possible behind you, lowering your torso toward the floor (C). Return to start. Do 12 to 15 reps and repeat on the other side. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

Trainer tip: Maintain proper alignment by keeping your neck in line with your spine at all times.

MOVE 6Unilateral Lunge with Knee Balance
Unilateral Lunge with Knee Balance
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, hips, glutes, hamstrings, and quads 

Grab a pair of 12- to 15-pound dumbbells and stand with your back to a 12-inch-high step two to three feet away. Place your right toes on the bench and sink into a lunge(A). Straighten your left leg as you bring your right knee in front of you and up until your right thigh is parallel to the floor (B). Balance on your left leg for one second, then return to start. Do 12 to 15 reps, then repeat on the other side. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

MOVE 7Hip Bridge and Heel Drag
Hip Bridge and Heel Drag
12 to 15
30 seconds
Works core, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves

Lie on your back with your lower legs on a stability ball. Raise your hips until they're aligned with your feet and shoulders (A). Raise your left leg until the bottom of your foot is facing the ceiling (B). Press your right heel into the ball and roll it toward your butt (C). Roll the ball back out. Keeping your hips lifted, repeat the rolling motion for 12 to 15 reps. Repeat on the other side, resting for 30 seconds beforehand if needed. That's one set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

Let me know what you think
and tell your people.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Exercise for Better Sex

Want to have more and better sex with your partner?  Then try this sexy outfit on--your exercise gear.  No, seriously, couples that exercise together also have sex more often, and report more sexual satisfaction, according to a research survey from Wakefield Research.
1000 runners from across the country participated in the Brooks Run Happy Nation report, about how running affects their lives.  The vast majority of couples that ran together reported having more sex.
Relationship expert and Author Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., says that running boosts ones libido, so it makes sense that couples that run together have better sex.  Running releases adrenaline and endorphins, the very same brain chemicals that are trigger by arousal.  You associate these good feelings and vibes with the person running beside you, making you want him or her even more, and vice-versa.  So, when your partner is running alongside you, and these feelings start to flow--look out, you have end up with a fantastic "final quick" to your run.
Running is not the only exercise that increase arousal.  Any strenuous exercise, such as cycling, hiking, aerobics, salsa dancing, etc. should stimulate both or your libidos.
What if your partner is not into exercise?  Adrenaline arousing activities such as roller coasters, scary movies, or paragliding together can have similar effects.The key is finding an activity that you can do together that is a trigger for the same intense adrenaline rush that makes athletes want to rip off each others clothes.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Are Your Food Habits Making You Fat?

New research that some of our habits that we thought were healthy, may actually be contributing to our weight gain!

Growing up we were told that eating fat makes you fat.  We cut out fat, and ate vegetarian, fruits, vegetables, and mainly grains.  And all sorts of "Fat-Free" and "Low-Fat" products.  The ad campaigns went wild--eat fat free to lose fat. WRONG!

Eating fat does not make you fat.  Excess calories make you fat.  Many of the "low-fat" and "fat-free" foods have way more calories that their "full-fat" counterparts because the manufacturers add sugar to enhance the lost flavour and taste due to the less fat.

Taking a little historical look at North Americans, we notice a trend:  With the introduction of "fat-free", we also see a sharp incline in obesity rates.  In fact, during the last 30 years the U.S. obesity has doubled.  And among children, it has tripled.

So, using this knowledge, let's change--let's use our "get fat" habits into "slim-down" habits.   Add or replace these habits of what you eat to help you slim-down:

#1: Stop eating "low-fat."  Low-fat foods often have more calories that they regular fat counterparts.  But more importantly, they tend to have a lot more carbohydrates, increasing the glycemic index of the food, and spiking your blood sugar levels--meaning you are hungry sooner, and therefore, eat more. The fat in food satiates your appetite sooner, meaning you will consume less calories.

#2: Seek nutritional information, and advice.  Canadian research has shown that people who research into diet and exercise--even simple research like reading blogs (like this one), online articles, etc. make better food choice and are more active.  That translates into consuming less calories, plus burning more calories, which equals weight loss!

#3: Get enough sleep.  According to research from Wake Forest, people who sleep five hours or less put on 2 1/2 times as much belly fat at people who sleep about 7-8 hours.

#4: Don't Eat the Free Food!  When you are at a restaurant, and the server brings out the bread-sticks, biscuits, chips and salsa, etc., do not eat it!  Depending upon where you are, they can add an additional 150 - 300 calories to your meal.  And none of these calories have any redeeming qualities--they are just empty carbohydrates that will play havoc with your blood glucose levels, and your weight loss goals.

#5: Avoid ALL Soda (including diet):  It is no coincident that over the last thirty years, as the obesity rate as increased, so as the Soda Pop consumption rate.  A study from 2005 found that if you drink one or two sodas a day, your chances of being overweight or obese increase by 33%.  And diet soda is not better, they were included in the study.  In fact, the chemicals and artificial sweeteners in diet soda actually trigger your body's appetites cues, making you hungrier and therefore eat more.   Like fizzy drinks--try sparkling water with a splash of fresh lemon or lime.

#6: Slow Down! It takes your body approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it has had enough.  A recent study i the Journal of American Dietetic Association found that people who were slow eaters consumed 66 fewer calories per meal.  Do that every meal, the pounds will melt away, and you won't feel as bloated after you eat, so you will be more likely to be active--go for a walk, play with the kids, etc.

#7 Reduce Your T.V. Time: A study from the University of Vermont found that overweight participants who reduced their TV time by 50% ended up burning an average of an additional 119 calories a day. Furthermore, how many of us snack while we are watching TV in the evenings?  Try multi-tasking--fold laundry, wash dishes--something to keep your hands busy and your mind busy so you are less likely to snack.

#8 Say NO to the Combo: The Journal of Public Policy and Marketing reported that compared to ordering a la carte (off the menu), you will consumes at least 100 more calories when you choose the combo or "Value Meal".  How come?  Because when these items are bundled together, you end up getting more food than if you order just what you wanted.  Plus, the portion sizes in the Value Meal tend to be much larger than ordering your food piecemeal.

#9: Turn Away from the Buffet:  According to researchers from Cornell University, when people eat at a buffet-style restaurant, diners who chose seats with a clear view of the food ate more.  First off, try to avoid these places when you can, bug if you must go, choose a table and seat that is as far away from the Buffet as possible, so you do not fixate on the food.

#10 Use Smaller Plates:  We tend to put food on our plates based on how much space is on the plate--if there is space for food, we fill it.  Bigger plates means more food, which means more calories and more body fat.  Choosing smaller plates, means smaller portions, meaning fewer calories.  And if you are still hungry, you can also go back for more (as opposed to eating everything on your plate because you hear your mother's voice from when you were a child....)

#11 Avoid Serving Dishes:  Serve food onto plates in the kitchen.  A recent study form the journal Obesity showed that when food is served from the dinner table, people consume on average 35% more over the course of a meal.  When you need to leave the table for an additional helping, you are less likely to do so.

#12 Small Bites:  In this instance, mom was right. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who take large bites consume 52% more calories per sitting that those who take small bites and chew longer.  But cutting your food into smaller pieces, you can increase the satiety and enjoy your food more.  Also, it takes longer to eat your food, so you are less likely to overeat (see above...)  Remember this: "The smaller your bites, the thinner your waistline."

#13 Drink More Water: Drinking enough water is absolutely essential for all of your body's systems to function properly.  A study from the University of Utah shows that the more water you drink the better your chances are of staying thin.  Drink two cups of water before each meal and you will likely start losing weight, according to this same study.  The water starts to fill your stomach and therefore starts to tell your brain that you are full.  Add ice, and according to German researchers, that will increase your metabolic rate, so your burn even more calories--6 glasses of ice water equals 50 calories consumed as your body needs to raise the water temperature to body temperature before it can be absorbed.

#14 Track Your Progress: Stepping on a scale on a fairly regular basis helps you keep an eye on your health.  Sudden weight gain can indicate health issues, as can sudden unwanted weight loss.  If you are trying to lose weight, stepping on a scale every couple of days can help reinforce that you are making gains, and help motivate you to keep going.  Tracking and/or graphing your results will give an even better visual cue to the success you are making.  Try to step on the scale at the same time each day for most accurate results, as your body weight does fluctuate throughout the day.

#15 Avoid Fruit Drinks.  Many of us choose fruit choose as a beverage at home and when we are out, thinking that this is a healthier choice than soda.  The problem is, however, than most restaurants and bars have ditched fresh fruit juice in favour of fruit syrup drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup--one of, if not the absolute worst sweetener on the market.  And pure fruit juices--while better than soda--are very high in simple carbohydrates (sugar) with minimal fiber, or other nutritional value.  When out on the town with friends, remember that the more garnishes your drink has hanging from its rim, the worse it is for your waistline.

#16 Emotional Eating:  Those that eat in response to emotional stress are 13 times more likely to be overweight.  If you are stressed, or upset, and feel the urge to eat, try chewing a piece of gum, drinking a couple of glasses of water, and going for a quick walk around the block.  Change your automatic response to emotional stress, and watch the weight drop.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Effective Fat-Loss

Main Image 
Looking for effective weight loss?  How about a great exercise and diet plan to help you lose weight, burn off body fat, and look and feel great?

Follow these tips:

Exercise:  Look for intense, multi-joint exercises.  Exercise studies form the University of Southern Maine show that intense interval-style workouts torch the same amount of calories as running a 6-minute per mile pace.  Unlike running and other aerobic exercises, however, intense interval training workouts boost your metabolism for up the to the next 48 hours, so your body continues to burn more calories every second of the day, not just while you are working out.

Lose More Fat: A study at the University of Connecticut compared diets who performed aerobic exercise with hose who also included resistance training.  Both groups lose about the same amount of weight in the 12 week study period.  The difference, however, waste group who did resistance training lost a.bout 40% more body fat. The aerobic-only study group lost fat and muscle, while the group that included aerobic exercise and resistance training gained muscle while losing body fat.

Get In Shape Fast:  The University of Hawaii found that interval circuit style workouts increase heart rates 15 beats per minute more than does running at 60-70% of maximum heart rate.  Conclusion?  Interval style workouts have the benefits of aerobic exercise while shaping up every muscle in your body, and increasing your resting metabolism.

Nutrition to Finish:  For maximum results, make sure you meat all of your bodies nutritional needs by eating fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and proper supplements, like the complete line of supplements from the Body By Vi 90-Day Challenge.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Best Workout Foods

Main ImageHave you ever tried to go for a run, or take a fitness class, when you have not eaten right all day? Did not feel to good, did it?  You need the right nourishment throughout the day in order to have the energy and endurance to perform your best, and maximize your exercise.  Take inspiration from professional cyclist Ally Stacher, who eats clean filling foods to fuel up.

Click Here for FREE ACCESS to these and other tips on nutrition, exercise, and health.

Don't let your exercise, training, work, or travel schedule interfere with your personal pledge to eat better.  When you eat right, you feel better, your body operates better, and you look better. Look to fresh vegetables and fruit, and try to make or pre-make as many things as possible.  And when you do need to grab something quick, make sure you are choosing or carrying with you the best options available.

Whether you are a competitive athlete, a work-out junkie,  or a recreational exerciser, fueling properly before exercise is crucial to your performance.  The amount of fuel you needs will depend upon your time and intensity exercising, but that does not influence the importance of the quality.  Check out these RD-approved snack and meals to make sure you have enough fuel to get you through you workout, and your day.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
Raw fruit and veggies add healthy nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants to your diet. Blending combinations of berries, kiwi, citrus fruits, leafy greens, carrots, peppers, and beets will also help your endurance.  The majority of carbohydrates you consume should come from fruits and vegetables.

Due to their convenience (and marketing), protein bars have become very popular choice as pre-workout snack.  Unfortunately, many of these bars are highly processed, full of preservatives, full of poor-quality protein, and high in sugar and empty carbohydrates and calories.  Look for bars that are high in fibre ensuring you get high-quality carbs, with quality protein, and low in sugars.  The Vi-Cookie from Visalus Sciences is full of high-quality non-gmo protein, high in fibre (from Kale, Spinach, and Broccoli), and low in sugars.  With three flavour--chocolate chip, peanut butter, and oatmeal raisin--they taste like the cookies grandma used to make.  We have to hide them in our house, our kids loved them so much. They are portable, so they are great for on-the-go workouts, and good a good choice for a snack, or just before your next workout.

Breakfast Burrito
A well-balanced breakfast (carbs healthy fat, and lean protein) is a great way to start the day.  The thing I love about breakfast burritos, however, is I can eat them for lunch, or dinner, as well.  You may not have your workout or training session planned until later in the day, but a good breakfast burrito will supply the nutrients to sustain your energy levels through the day, and help you avoid overeating later, all while maintaining lean muscle.  Choose ancient grain wraps/tortillas such as Spelt, Kamut, or Quinoa, instead of wheat or corn tortillas.  A good breakfast burrito includes an egg, kale or spinach, abocado, hummus, and goat cheese.  You can wrap it up and take it on the go, and with it's great mix of essential nutrients, and great taste, you will love it.

Ninja Smoothies
Great for breakfast, lunch, or after your workout, proper protein smoothies include refreshing ingredients that are not expensive.  Try to mix three fruits in yours, such as half a pear, half a banana and half a kiwi; or half a cup of raspberries, half a cup of blueberries, and half a banana.  Add a dollop of 2% Greek yogurt for protein and "good bacteria" (avoid low-fat or non-fat yogurts that tend to have added sugar and higher calories), ground flax seed and ground chia seed for fibre, Almond or Coconut milk, and a high-quality protein powder--be ware of the bulk or inexpensive brands.  Vi-Shape shake mix is a research based protein powder, independently proven i the lab to be one of the most efficient proteins on the market.  

What other snacks do you need to help you get to your workout?  How about some celery with a nut butter like almond butter or peanut butter.  Or some apple slices smeared with a seed butter such as sesame seed or pumpkin seed butter.  In order to satiate any hunger or cravings later, and to prevent any overeating later, you want to mix quality carbohydrates from fruit and vegetables, with good fats and protein from the nut or seed butters.

For more information on health, training and conditioning, nutrition, or weight loss, be sure to contact us!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mud Runs--Safe and Effective Training, or an Injury Waiting to Happen?

Main ImageAre Mud Runs Safe?

Mud runs--events such as Tough Mudder--have become very popular over the last couple of years.  The insane terrain is a lot more exciting the the treadmill.  Testing your physical and mental limits may be exhilarating, but the lax safety rules, and overcrowded courses have put your personal safety at risk.

The Dangers of a Mud Run

The first time Patricia Wooldridge considered entering a mud run, she was at a get-together near her Dallas home, it was early 2010, and as a friend described the crazy 5-K event coming to town that spring, Patricia, 39, thought about her treadmill. Lately, it had been little more than a piece of furniture. Perhaps the idea of an obstacle race would kick-start her return to an active life.
Back home, she cruised the race's website, with its images of laughing, mud-smeared runners. She saw people in Viking hats, women in tutus, people hoisted skyward at post-race parties. Her first thought: This is wild! She scrolled through pictures of the obstacles, including a fire leap, which looked like someone had set a match to a straight line of lighter fluid. Intrigued, Patricia recruited a girlfriend and ponied up the $43 entry fee. A few clicks later, they were in.
The race fell on a warm May day, and the two women found themselves wandering through a boisterous crowd. As they lined up at the start, ready to sprint down a dirt road, any pre-race nerves vanished. "This ought to be pretty easy if someone is doing it in a dog costume," Patricia said to her friend. Heck, a few people were even wearing knee braces. Patricia knew the competition drill; she'd done her strength training—pushups, squats—and had finished traditional races before, a lone contestant in a solemn, panting sea of concentration. These warrior types couldn't be more jovial. Lose a shoe? No problem! Face-plant into the mud? Hilarious!
"I was having a great time," she says, "right up until I got burned to a crisp."
At the time Patricia participated in her race, the mud-run craze was just leaving the starting line. Since then, the events have become a sports phenomenon, with swarms of people showing up to get dirty and drink beer. One mud run, the Spartan Race, began modestly in 2009; it hosted around 750,000 participants in 2012. Another, Warrior Dash, also began in 2009 with one race and 2,000 people. Last year it fielded more than 800,000 runners and earned $50 million (it will hold more than 35 races in 2013). Perhaps the best-known mud run, the three-year-old Tough Mudder, is projecting more than $150 million in 2013 earnings. But these are just the majors; almost anyone who can rent a field can put on a race. Florida alone hosted an estimated 40 different ones last year.
No set criteria define mud runs, though army training courses are a clear inspiration. Participants scramble up and down obstacles and across monkey bars and, of course, crawl through pits of mud. Some inventive promoters are carrying the theme even further: If you're in the mood for it, you can now run a 5-K through simulations of end-of-the-world disasters or while dodging the aggressive undead.

Fast Fat Blasting--60 Seconds

All you need is as little as 4 weeks to burn fat and feel fantastic!In just 60 seconds a day, you can do something to help your body get rid of excess body fat.  It all starts with your body's pH level--the balance between acid and alkaline in your body, and from the food you eat.  the more acidic your system, the more fat your body stores.

As Acid Rain pollutes the environment, acid in your food pollutes your body.  As the acid levels in you body increase, your body tries to protect your organs and blood from the acidic levels by covering them in a protective blanket of fat.  Your body then uses more fat to try to neutralize the acid, thereby adding more fat to your system.  Leading to your body storing even more body.  This is one of the reason is can be so hard to lose weight and to lose body fat.

But there is a way to decrease your body's acidity level, and shed that body fat.  Click Here for free access to a way to balance your body's pH levels, and lose up to 13 pounds in just four weeks in just 60 seconds a day.

Neutralize the excess acid in your body and lose 20 to 50 pounds FAST!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Flat Belly Yoga

Main ImageThe time has come.  Enough sitting around thinking about change.  Enough hiding your belly under layers of clothing.  Enough of secretly wishing your could still fit in your skinny jeans.  The time has come to start doing yoga, and start looking and feeling better. Hot yoga, power yoga, vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, and types of yoga offer a full-body workout, challenging all muscle groups.
Yoga can help you increase your core strength, boost your metabolism, and burn fat.

Yoga can help you adjust your mindset in order to stop thinking of working out as a painful exercise.  Transform your perception of exercise form something that you are supposed to do into an activity that you truly look forward to doing.

Combing yoga with a proper nutrition plan can help you reach your health and fitness goals.

FREE ACCESS to other articles on health, fitness, and nutrition tips.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Weather is Screwing With Your Weight!

Main ImageOkay, we all do it when the weather is nasty outside--skip the gym and cozy up on the couch with a book and a warm drink (or a glass of wine).  In fact, a recent poll from Gallup-Healthways found that people were about 13% less likely to exercise shortly after Hurricane Sandy.  Stop letting weather be an excuse to stop working out.  Read on to learn how to motivate yourself to exercise in any weather.  
When it is cold and dark outside, like in winter, people are less likely to exercise--indoors or outdoors.  Maybe it goes back to our genetic make-up--we want to curl up under the covers where it is warm and dry.
Weather has become a socially acceptable excuse for not exercising, but making excused and skipping workouts will not make you feel better, and will in fact make you feel worse long-term--especially in the springtime when you are trying to hide the extra pounds of "winter weight."
Now, get ride of those excuses, and motivate yourself to exercise in any weather with these tips on: consequences, special workouts, winter workouts, fitness buddies, and guilty pleasures.
Click here for FREE access to more articles and tips on women's health, nutrition, diet, weight loss, exercise, training, and conditioning, all while saving money.

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