If you are like many women with careers, children, families, etc., you probably find that you just do not have the time to exercise like you used to. Any if you have to travel--maybe for work--it can add an extra struggle to get sweating.
Well then check out this 15-minute workout that you can do just about anywhere--in the park, in your living room, in a hotel room--anywhere.
You won't need to go to some new expensive trendy fitness class. You will be able to work out any time, any place, with this total-body exercise plan, and the only equipment you will need is a simple towel.
The key to seeing continued success is to keep challenging your body in different ways--new moves, new environment, or new exercises. Using a towel is a low-cost, simple, and efficient way to work out.
The towel provides wither tension or friction and helps to engages muscles that you would otherwise not use.
Complete the exercises below, moving from one exercise to the next with little or no rest in between. After completing all the exercise, wait 30 - 60 seconds, and then repeat. Aim for 2 or three sets in total.
1. Leg Curl
Lie faceup on the floor, knees bent and both heels on a towel; lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders (a). Slide your heels away from you as far as you can without dropping your hips (b). Pause, then return to start. That's one rep. Do 15.
2. Seated Oblique Twist

3. Lateral Lunge
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and your right foot on a towel (a). Bend your left knee and push your hips back as you slide your right foot out to the side as far as you can (b). Pause, then pull that foot back to start. That's one rep. Do 15, then switch sides and repeat.

4. Superman Press

Lie facedown on the floor, chest lifted, and hold a towel taut between your hands in front of your shoulders, elbows bent (a). Press the towel away from you until your arms are straight (b). Return to start. That's one rep. Do 20.
And be sure to check out these great nutritional products.
Protein Shakes, Meal-Replacement Shakes, Herbal Energy Drinks, Multi-Vitamins, Omegas. Everything you need to supplement your meal plan and help you reach your health and fitness goals.