Food and eating is a rather dichotomous issue in North America. On one hand, we have the largest percentage of the population in history that is overweight or obese. We also have the largest percentage of the population in history that is going hungry. By these stats, you are more likely to either be going hungry, or overweight, then be healthy.
Currently there are about 50 million Americans going hungry. Imagine, that many people is this land of wealth that do not know where they will get their next meal. The reality is there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone, for everyone to get the nourishment they need in order to live a healthy and productive life. NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) such as Oxfam have been working on food security issues abroad for decades, and have cited research showing how food is destroyed around the world to manipulate prices.
So, what can you do? You are probably doing a lot to ensure you are meeting your health and nutrition goals. But how can you help others?

This fall, Women's Health will once again host a 10K run that will provide 10 meals for people going hungry in communities around the continent. Runs will take place in NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, and other communities throughout North America.
Check it out here.
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